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He emphasized that, although not clear about AIDS and Sheet metal fabrication cologne sports university sports studies program, but teachers in peacetime in class is really a very enthusiastically taught to students with sports treat some diseases course."German community sports and handicapped sports development projects is very good.

I know that there are many disabled were sitting wheelchair in every city and the community sports clubs in the weekend pass by street stadium, or come to community fitness centers, you can see the figure of disabled people."Ivan said, they are so keen and, on the other hand, because of the whole society encourages, and to realize sports to body and mind brings change.

So he thought HIV often movement also have this purpose."In addition, the germans would like sports, especially such as triathlon and some other endurance sports, they advocate this challenge the limit of the spirit of sports, this is nationality."And social scientists say, compared with disease, these hiv-positive patients will are the biggest challenges facing social discrimination.

AIDS athletes is even more so.But swimmer ole for those around you do not hide his condition, swimming gymnasium of many people know about him. But ole yourself seriously health. When his fingers scratch bleeding, always strapped it up before dived into the pool.

steellaser بازدید : 338 شنبه 14 مرداد 1396 زمان : 7:22
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